It has been a while since I've posted about my summer of sweat. I promise the sweat has continued and not without some fun. I am not the type of person who would normally associate fun with sweat and working out, but I must admit that my experiences at the cycle gyms and now at barre, have been pretty enjoyable! What has made it enjoyable you ask, cynically? The structure, heart-pounding music, positive instructors, and variety in movement, I believe, have all separated these workouts from "just a workout". When I'm not constantly glancing at the clock, wishing for my workout to be over, I know that this was a good time. When I'm not silently grunting negative responses to my instructor's every direction, I know it's a good time. When I'm dripping sweat or shaking, but wanting more, I know it's a good time. When class ends and I don't race out of there like I can't spend another minute in that place, I know it's a good time. And friends, all 3 of my barre gym experiences were a good time! They were each great in similar ways and in their own individual ways. So, I will first talk about what Barre is and what I got from my collective experience, and then I will outline individual differences between each gym.
What is Barre? To my less trendy friends and family, when I mentioned I was trying a barre class in passing, they giggled and responded with something along the lines of "Where can I sign up?" "Which bar?" "Is that what they're calling it these days?" For those who don't know what barre is beyond a place that you drink or an exercise class that involves using a ballet barre, "Barre class is a workout technique inspired by elements of ballet, yoga, and Pilates, that focuses on low-impact, high intensity movements designed to strengthen and tone your body in ways that few other workouts can."

Barre District

This was my first of the barre classes. I showed up at the end of a work day, knowing that showers were not available, so this would not be an easy gym to incorporate into my mornings unless it were close to my house (which, unfortunately, none of these barre gyms were). Parking would probably have been difficult as this gym is downtown next to Breese Stevens, however, Lady Luck was on my side when a car pulled out of the perfect spot at the perfect time. I joined several other newbs, one who forgot workout pants, which was sadly refreshing as it is not a great feeling to be the only non-flexible, knock-off-brand-wearing deer in headlights. There were several of us this time! The instructor was super welcoming and showed us around, gave us a run-down of how the workout would go, and encouraged us to reach out if we had questions. I set up in the back of the room, which didn't limit my view at all as the room was a cozy size, fitting about 12 people comfortably. The studio vibe was hip and comfortable with purple props and great window lighting. The instructor was easy to hear and follow as she called out each exercise. I felt shaky and out of my element at times, but in no way judged, rather encouraged and motivated as the class continued. The 90's and 2000's cool and bumpin' playlist helped add to the ambiance. I was surprised at how cool I felt and how confidently I analyzed my form and adjusted in the mirror instead of avoiding eye contact with my awkwardness reflected back at me. I left feeling significantly challenged and wishing I could return! All of these were definitely pros.
Other pros: some early morning and evening class options offered, two other types of barre class options available (one with a lower body focus and one with a tabata focus)
Cons: Parking, high costs (which I'm beginning to see as a trend for these high structured workouts), limited to 3-4 class options most days
Single Drop-in $18
One Week Unlimited $35
5 Classes Package $75
7 for $77 (New Client Deal)
New Client 1 Month Unlimited $90
1 Month Unlimited $125
10 Classes Package $145
20 Classes Package $280
3 Months Unlimited $370
6 Months Unlimited $720
1 Year Unlimited $1,260
Barre Code
My second barre experience went pretty similarly: Parking was limited as this gym was downtown, prices were fairly similar, the instructor was welcoming and helpful, the workout was great! The differences in my experience here: This studio was quite a bit larger than Barre District, and seemed much more fast-paced. I felt more like the awkward newb that stood alone in this studio and didn't have anyone that awkwardly smiled back at me.
The other girls (yes, all girls in this class, 1 guy at the District class) all seemed very serious and focused on working out and getting out of there. There didn't seem to be much comradery or community going on in this class. Regardless, I still felt less awkward once the class got going, and was able to focus less on how fit and trendy the others looked compared to me, and more on how to get the best workout I could. And, boy did I get a good workout. Out of the 3 studios, I found this workout to be the most intense and effective. The instructor walked around to help make adjustments and suggestions when needed. The music wasn't as motivating as I found it to be at Barre District, but this probably varied by instructor.
This studio offered a few more class options than Barre District, but the latest class available seems to be 6:45pm and only on certain nights. Lastly, the lighting and overall ambiance, although still cool, was not as comfortable to me as Barre District, in my opinion.
Single Class $20
New client First Class $10
New Client Unlimited Month $89
1 Month Unlimited $165
1 Month Unlimited recurring for 6 months $119
Student Unlimited recurring monthly membership $89
4 Class monthly recurring membership $59
10 Class pack $160
5 Class pack $90
Barre 3

For my last barre experience, I signed up for the 3 for $30 pack at Barre 3, since they didn't offer a free trial. This studio was smaller than Barre Code, but a bit larger than Barre District. I was greeted very warmly again, shown around and introduced to how the class would run. This studio had tea and water to offer, which was a nice addition (I apologize if I missed this at the other studios). The instructor was bubbly and very helpful throughout the workout. I again felt like I was the only newb, especially since I chose to wear shorts due to our excruciating temps outside and it has been made very clear that "real Barre-goers" only wear leggings and trendy tops. I brushed this feeling aside and enjoyed the freedom I felt in the back of the class. I quickly discovered there was no back of class, though, as the instructor moved about the room and changed the direction of the class several times. Despite how uncomfortable this may have felt in other gyms, I did not feel like others cared or were watching me, so I felt free to sweat, shake and make faces grimacing in pain as I wished. The one real down side to this studio, was that there were not mirrors all the way around, so I often times could not see how my form was (or how goofy I looked). The music was much more zen, but with a beat, which was still motivating, but admittedly less fun. This studio definitely felt more yoga-esq than the other 2 studios. Although they had a small parking lot, I still had trouble finding parking 2 of the 3 times. Barre 3 offered a similar variety of class times to Barre Code, with some 6ams and 7pms sprinkled into the weekly schedule. I only scheduled evenings and weekend classes though, because again, they had no showers. This studio did stand apart because the class-goers seemed to know each other much better, and there was much more of a community vibe here than at the other gyms. Definitely a perk for people looking to feel comfortable at a gym!
New Client 2 weeks unlimited $49
New Client 3 for $30
Single Class $23
5 Class pack $100
10 Class pack $180
20 Class pack $320
Monthly unlimited auto renew $119 per month
Explanation of Ratings
Ease of Access
How easy was it for me to access this gym? (Distance to travel not accounted for since I want this to be relateable no matter where you drive from.) Was it easy to find or did I have to search a building map? Was parking simple? Do they charge for parking? Do I have to walk a long distance from my parking spot? When I enter, is it clear where I should go and where lockers and bathrooms are?
1- It was a beast for me to get to this gym; the stress of getting started with my workout made me not want to workout.
7- Getting into the gym and getting started was a breeze!
This rating is pretty subjective, but I will try to compare to the average cost of gym memberships, which according to Statistic Brain Research is $58 a month in the US…. WHAT?! Maybe I am cheap, but that seems absurd at first glance. In fact, thinking about it initially made me laugh and imagine all the Manhattan Yogis or California Crossfitters shelling out their monthly paycheck to stay buff and zen... until upon further research, I found this to be absolutely average and actually pretty close to what I was paying at my previous gym (although I was paying slightly less because I paid 2 years up front and had a deal I kept carrying over). Many gyms are actually much higher in price, and other gyms are much lower in price (think your basic Planet Fitness and Anytimes). So, yes, this is truly an average. I will base my rating on the following: A budget friendly gym would be based on both how their monthly rate compares to the national average and how much value I see in what is paid. So, while a high intensity boot camp may be more highly priced than a basic gym, you are also basically getting personal training time for each whole hour you pay for, which is obviously worth more. The question will be, is it budgetable and is it worth the cost (subjectively).
1- This gym would cause me to ration out peanut butter and jelly for the month to make it a part of my repertoire.
7- HOLLA for a DOLLA! This gym both fits easily into my budget and feels worth the cost. I’m paying money for my health, but it feels darn worth it.
Friendliness of Staff
This rating is important, especially if the gym requires a lot of time with gym staff. I don’t know about you, but when I’m working out, I am feeling pretty vulnerable, sweating, probably using equipment wrong and looking like a fool. The last thing I want is to pay for some jerk to make me feel worse about it. This rating is all about whether staff members were kind and encouraging; helpful, but not judgmental, extra points if they also make you laugh.
1- I may have felt like crying in the gym bathroom and/or had to turn while doing reps so I could grumble or avoid eye contact with the unpleasant staff.
7- These guys are my new best pals. They were definitely laughing with me, not at me.
Knowledge/Helpfulness of Staff
This is pretty self-explanatory. Did the staff know what they were doing? Were they experts in their field and able to instruct me in an accurate way and a way that was dumbed down enough for me to get the workout right? Did they cater to my individual workout needs and challenge me when appropriate or give accommodations when appropriate?
1- I think the gym picked these trainers up off the street. I purposefully had bad form and they said, “Great job!”
7- No wonder we pay them for what they do! They instructed with great precision and catered to my individual strengths and weaknesses.
Effectiveness of Workout
This rating begs the question: Did this workout pack a punch? Did I get what I asked for when I showed up today? Do I feel like I sweated and moved as much as I would have hoped? If there wasn’t much structure, was there enough equipment or space to do what I needed for an adequate workout?
1- Did I workout today? Or did I pay money to change into my gym clothes and people-watch?
7- The sweat is real. I left this place with a strut in my step, feeling like I’d accomplished a feat for the day, and I called my mom to tell her about it.
Self-explanatory, I hope. Looking at hygiene and organization.
1- When was the last time this place was cleaned? I felt like I was contracting a disease with every step. I also left with a limp from tripping over equipment.
7- This place shined. I felt free to move and sweat knowing that I wouldn’t be soaking up the last guy’s sweat or tripping over his dumbbells. They run a tight (and very clean) ship.
Is this a place in which I feel comfortable and look forward to being? Do I feel like I can jam to my own tunes or the gym’s tunes without the distraction of roidy man grunts? Is there enough space for everyone to do their own thing? Is it a warm and inviting place or a cold and stoic place? Does this place promote good vibes or did I feel like I entered a dungeon?
1- This gym felt like the DMV. Shared glances and conversations are not welcome, unless you want peace and quiet-then your neighbor is probably the loud one. No one smiles. Everyone is waiting to get the heck out of there.
7- This place is where it’s at. Music fits the workout. Conversation is easy and minimal unless I’m feeling chatty. Smiles>grimaces, but not forced or cheesy "who-drank-the-Kool-Aid" smiles. I feel like I have a cool club I belong to, kind of like how it felt going to the community center for snacks and games in Middle School.
This is also self-explanatory, and not really a necessary rating. The gym is not meant to be fun at all times, nor do I expect it to be, but if I workout and happen to have fun at the same time, what a win!
1- Zero fun had, sir. This was all work, no play. Or no work, no play.
7- I feel like I just left the state fair of gyms! Everything was exciting and kept me engaged, and I just didn’t want it to end.
Challenge Level
Yet again, self-explanatory.
1- There was no presentable challenge. My 4-year-old niece could have done this.
7- I felt significantly challenged! This gym pushed my limits in an effective and safe way.
Class Options/Schedule Variability
1- I can only get to this gym on the weekends because their hours don’t fit my work schedule.
7- This gym has various early morning, afternoon, and evening options available!
Ratio of Members to Equipment
1- I had to wait 30 minutes to use an elliptical and the only dumbbells available were ones I could lift with my pinky or couldn't lift at all.
7- There was plenty of equipment for everyone!
Independence vs structure
This rating isn’t necessarily bad or good on either end. It depends on what you’re looking for!
1- This is a very independent gym. I had free reign to do whatever I wanted, when I wanted, how I wanted. Zero instruction was offered. No plans followed.7- This is as structured as a gym can get, They tell you where to go, what time to be there, what workout to do, and how to do it. Not much free reign in what you’re doing.